مطربة و ممثلة جزائرية – لبنانية . تعتبر واحدة من اجمل الاصوات فى الوطن العربي . بدات الغناء فى سن الحادي عشر, عرفت بغنائها للاغاني الوطنية ,ثم انتقلت الي مصر , اصدرت العديد من الالبومات و حازات علي شهره وشعبية كبيرة بالاضافة الي انها شاركت فى العديد من الافلام , وايضا تعاونت مع كبارالملحنين مثل محمد عبد الوهاب وصلاح الشرنوبي . توفت وردة فى 2012 , ولكن مازلنا نستمتع بأغنيها .
Algerian – Lebanese singer and actor. Warda considered to be one of the most beautiful voices in the Arab world. She started singing at the age of 11. She quickly became well known for her singing of patriotic Arabic songs. Then she moved to Egypt, quickly rising to fame, and releasing several albums. Additionally, she starred in a few Egyptian movies, also She had the opportunity to work with the greatest composers, such as Mohamed Abdel Wahab, and Salah El-Sharnoub. Warda Died in 2012, But we still enjoying by her songs.

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