Paranormal Travel

Paranormal tourism involves traveling to physical locations on Earth where there have been events or phenomena that have happened or are still happening that are beyond our current scientific mainstream understanding of reality. It also includes locations that serve to educate and provide information on these paranormal happenings.

This does not just include hauntings and ghosts, but include the following (not exhaustive): UFOs and extraterrestrials, cryptozoology, earth mysteries, alternative history, human potential not yet recognized by science, miracles, conspiracy theories, etc.

Whether you are an active or armchair traveler, come along with us to discover the mysterious, the uncanny, the weird, the unusual and the wonderous.

This channel will cover topics on:
- Paranormal destinations and sacred sites all over the world
- Paranormal adventures of myself and others
- Knowledge, skills and tools that will benefit a paranormal traveler


Shared 5 months ago