Hi! Welcome to my channel! I'm a 15 year-old from Europe. In 2016, I started my channel as a way for new creators to up their editing game.
First video: May 16th, 2016
100 Subs: May 24th, 2016
300 Subs: June 6th, 2016
500 Subs: June 12th, 2016
1000 SUBS: June 28th, 2016
2000 SUBS: July 17th, 2016
3000 SUBS: August 1st, 2016
10K SUBS: January 27th, 2017
11K SUBS: February 20th, 2017
12K SUBS: March 27th, 2017
25K SUBS: May 3rd, 2018
All my greenscreens are free to use, but you HAVE to give me credit by linking my channel in your description. Otherwise, i will report your video for copyright violation and YouTube will take your video down without any hassle.
Shared 8 years ago