What looks better, a car with simple tasteful modifications? Or a car with a giant wing and a brightly painted trim? I am not the Gordon Ramsey of Cars, but you don't need to be a great chef to know if food stinks. Just like i don't need to be a master technician to know if a car is an ugly fail or if its a slow ricer. Ricers are cars that appear to be fast through the addition of sporty wings and non functional vents, but don't have the engine power to back it up. The word ricer actually stands for Race Inspired Cosmetic Enhancements and/or Really Immature Car Enthusiast, both of which usually come in a package deal. Tuners on the other hand are on the other side of the spectrum. Tuners Modify their cars with performance parts in order to try to achieve their cars maximum potential either for drifting, drag racing, or even track use. Tuner cars are usually tastefully modified on the exterior as well.

Cameraman: Alma Mujica