This YouTube channel supports and is part of the of the website
I have always had a special love for video games and after many years of working in other industries, I wanted to do something that I am passionate about. With that in mind I started VG Legacy ( as a side project with the goal in mind to document the legacy of the video game industry. I want to put together a central repository where people can come to and learn about games, the companies involved in the industry and the creative talent behind the scenes.
I want to be able to piece together the history of video games in a unique manner in which other sites have not done. Preserving and documenting the video game industry is something that I have been thinking about for over 10 years and have decided I would give it my best go. I hope you enjoy the site and this YouTube Channel.
Shared 2 years ago
Shared 2 years ago
Shared 2 years ago
Shared 3 years ago