
My channel is dedicated to my inspiration, my idol, Britney Jean Spears.

Please, feel free to follow me on twitter:
I'll definately follow you back!

Britney. Simply Britney. The woman I love. The woman I'm proud of. One of the joys of my life. A huge part of my everything. My melody. My music. My dream. You deserve all you win. Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for being. My Britney Jean. My Miss Spears. My southern girl. A fighter. Everyday, through life like a karate kid. Remember.

Britney is beautiful inside and out. She has always been. It is really difficult to live how she does. Mistakes are made, and we learn from them. That is life.

"You can see the cruelest part of the world, but then on the other side, you see the most beautiful part. It's like you go from one extreme to the next, and they're both worth it because you wouldn't see the other without the other one. That cruel part is damn cruel, and you'll never forget it. But that heaven is heaven. I've been to both places."
By: The One and Only Britney Spears.


Shared 16 years ago



Shared 16 years ago