hey, What's up!!! Obviously I'm in LOVE with the Jonas Brothers!!! Joe and Nick are soooooo HOTT!!!!!! Hope you like my page and don't forget to comment!!!!
----///-\\\----Put This
---|||---|||---On Your
---|||---|||---Profile If
---|||---|||---You Know
-----\\///-----Who has
-----///\\\----like Nick Jonas
Nick J is off da Chain!!!
Yo I'm so hot
Just like a tamale
So destructive
Just like a tsunami
Everytime I'm near
The red cross is there
Cause that's how I'll be doing things
Nick J is off the chain
Whenever I'm near, they fear my name
Nick J is off the chain
I'm off the chain
Alright, ready
Whats my name say it once again
Nick J, Nick J, Nick J, Nick J
Whats my name say it once again
Nick J, Nick J, Nick J, Nick J
This is the Jonas Bunny.
Copy and paste Jonas Bunny so he can gain WORLD DOMINATION!!!!!!!!!!