Cops Caught On Video

What We are Not
Cops Caught On Video does not promote the idea that all police officers are bad. We do not intend to use a broad brush and blindly bash every cop. We TRULY appreciate those Civil Servants who courageously protect us from harm who put their lives on the line, we also have many stories of these courageous men and women that truly make a difference in their communities, to those officers we would like to thank you for your courageous work as your stories are also on our site. These BAD apples are putting the good officers in harms way. The lack of accountability and transparency is putting these good officers in a no win situation knowing that the corrupt system and unions protect these criminals.

Our outrage is targeted specifically at individual people and at individual policies that are responsible for corruption and abuse and those POLICE CHIEFS that allow this behavior to continue, We recognize that police officers are only human and no more corruptible than a


Shared 6 years ago