"The Ava Story, which is only just beginning, is already a triumph of an old Jamaican proverb -- Who feels it, knows it. Though she's a devotee of a music made before she was born and a world away, mid-1970s Golden Age reggae, Ava's own breezy, sexy, sensitive spirit makes a much-loved sound fresh, and very much her own.

Ava experimented with all sorts of music, from rock to r'n'b. But reggae chose Ava, and vice versa. "You know when something feels right," she laughs, "I was so happy when I finally found my music."

Since she was a schoolgirl touring with her school swing jazz band, Ava's vocals have always earned applause. With an innate sense of her own direction, Ava will be providing us with pleasure for years -- partly because, as she says, "I write lyrics about me and my friends' own personal experiences and I just love songs that everyone can relate to, and that will always remind them of the moment they first heard it. I want to make memories."