I am Silvana Tim, and I am happy to share my passion for knitting with Two Needles and Crochet with you 💙

Hello to all knitting enthusiasts! My name is Silvana Tim 🌞, and I welcome you to my creative space on this channel. Here, you will find everything related to knitting with two needles and crochet. From patterns and tutorials for beginners to more advanced projects, it's the perfect place to learn and share our passion for needles and yarn.

I'll teach you how to knit with two needles (knitting with two tricot needles), knit with circular needles. You will learn how to knit stitches with two needles, how to knit with circular needles, crochet, how to knit scarves, hats, shawls, sweaters, baby clothes, woolen socks, slippers, blankets. You'll find detailed knitting tutorials for exclusive patterns, practical tips, and project ideas.

#silvanatim #knittingwithtwoneedles #handknitting #crochet

🌟 Happy Knitting!