Welcome to my Messy Mom Life!!! My name is Laura and I am a Single Mom of 3 babes! My main purpose for being here is to motivate others who struggle with anxiety and depression! Particularly those stay at home Mom's who are lonely and suffering from Postpartum Depression, Anxiety, Depression and OCD. I am no stranger to the dark struggle and I am on a journey of taking back control of my life by cleaning up my house one mess at a time and regaining order in my home again and slowly beautifying it with DIY makeovers on a budget! I want you to know that "If I can do it you can do it"! I am takimg my home from Messy to Minimal one Hoarder room at a time! This is a safe place to gain motivation & support for surviving anxiety & depression! If you can relate be sure you are subscribed and click that notification bell for "ALL" so you do not miss my newest weekly video and we can hang out and be here for one another! Thank you for the love and support! "Choose Happy On Purpose"!