GUITAR MAGIC – an audiovisual love affair with the guitar and its people! Viewers ride with Little John Hammond on pilgrimages to guitar wonderlands and get to know iconic players and influential friends of the instrument through guitar-in-hand interviews. You can expect slice-of-life experiences and expertly crafted interviews that humanize guests by revealing their stories, hopes, dreams, music, and sense of wonder about the guitar.

Guitar Magic's travel component allows viewers to see the natural habitat where interviewees thrive and develop a "sense of place" where guitar magic happens. For episodes that require ground travel and vagabond accommodations, Little John's 1987 VW Westfalia – affectionately named Guapo – will serve as transportation, lodging, and mobile production studio (a.k.a. Studio Guapo).

This show wrestles with questions that Little John and many others have had since day one: Why does the guitar have such a hold on me and how I feel more of its magic?