Ahmed Adaweyah - أحمد عدوية

مطرب مصري و من اشهر نجوم الشعبي فى فترة السبعنيات . قام ببطولة 27 فيلم وكان من المتميزين فى غناء اغاني الموال . و اصبح أكثر نجاحًا فى مسيرته الفنية خلال فترة زمنية محدودة, اصبحت اغانيه شائعة حيث انتشرت على اشرطة الكاسيت و من اشهر اغانية : زحمة , بنت السلطان و سلامتها ام حسن .

Is an Egyptian singer and he is one of the famous Shaabi stars during its first wave of popularity in 1970s with his specialization in Mawwal songs. He co-starred in almost 27 Egyptian films. His songs became popular as they spread on audiocassettes.
Most of his popular songs are: Zahma , Bent El Sultan, Salametha Om Hasan.

This catalogue was acquired by Mazzika Group
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