K, so im Carly. and this account will only be for singing and for making videos, FEEL FREE TO REQUEST A SONG FOR ME TO MAKE A VIDEO TO, just tell me what song, the artist, if you just want pictures or words or pictures and words. if you want to request a song, that would be great. If you don't like my singing, who really gives a damn? So basically other things you might want to know. I am eleven years old, twelve on May 30. I live in Canada. I love Avril Lavigne. my name is obviously Carly, but some people call me CJ, Carls or Car. The 'rockstar' in my username applies to the energy drink, not like a rockstar rockstar, and the 'J' stands for my middle name which is Jordan. Music is my everything basically. I love soccer, been playing since i was 3. Feel free too comment on any of my videos. ciao :)