Our piece is 85 acres which is connected with another 500 acres of close friends. The other side of our place is bordered by a 1000 acre place.
Located in the some of most remote sections of West Texas. What we say out there is "600 acres surrounded by 35 miles of NOTHING!"
If you didn't bring it, then you wont have it if you come out here. Closest store is 40 miles away. No electricity all powered by generators. No water except at our place. Water is is worth more than gold here in West Texas.
Fortunately, our water comes from one of the only water wells in the area. Our well is 1000 feet deep and is pumped into a concrete 2000 gallon cistern. Then directed to various water troughs for the animals and living areas.
It is said
"I would rather have 30 acres with water than 300 without!"
Shared 3 years ago