Hey everyone! Want to learn how to knit? You've come to the right place. Pleasantseas Channel will teach you how to get started and fun projects to try. With a new hat every month and fun cable designs, there's sure to be something for everyone. Go grab some yarn, a pair of knitting needles and let's get knitting!
5.30.14 Hit 10,000 Subscribers! Thank you so much :D
E m a i l : pleasantseas@yahoo.com | T w i t t e r: @KnittWhit
S h o p M y S t o r e : www.etsy.com/shop/PleasantSeas
R a v e l r y :www.ravelry.com/people/pleasantseas
F a c e B o o k :www.facebook.com/knittwhit
P r i n t a b l e P a t t e r n s :s92.photobucket.com/user/Pleasant_Seas/library/
Shared 8 years ago
Shared 8 years ago
Shared 8 years ago