We Are CHANGE 200 Chapters World-Wide.
wearechange.org to find or start a local chapter. Join Now! www.facebook.com/groups/33

After almost 5 years of broadcasting on Time Warner Cable Local Access Station channels # 53 & 54 on the Big Island, We Are CHANGE Hawaii Chapter will stop filming for the rest of 2014. We would like to thank all our guests and all who added to our show though out the years with their insight, Knowledge & willingness to stand up & share Truth with our local community on many important issues. Although most shows where only aired on the Big Island you can still watch some clips from some of our over 200 shows produced by visiting WEARECHANGEHAWAII youtube channel. We will remain keeping active in the world wide TRUTH Movement in many other ways. Once again thank you all for your continuing support.


Rise up Human Family, When the people lead, the "leaders' will follow!

Be the CHANGE You Want to see in the world