I'm A Watchman. I Sound the Alarm, WARNING everyone of what's Happening in End Times Prophecy & Events. I DONT "BEG" for money. Jesus NEVER accepted a PENNY to share the Gospel, neither do I. My FB Page: www.facebook.com/NightAndDayWatchman I bring to light the end times signs of Jesus Return, the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. I only use the KJV Bible. MOST of the so called 'church' REFUSES to preach the TRUTH from the KJV Bible. I DO, It's the ONLY way I know how. People are being Saved by Jesus Blood, repenting of being backslidden, convicted, getting up, reaping the Harvest. Many MIRACLES are happening DAILY, ALL through the Power of the Holy Spirit, NEVER THROUGH ANYTHING I DO OR SAY.!!! I am here to do God's Work.


Shared 2 years ago