Palletoori Andhalu Abiruchulu

Welcome to Palletoori Andhalu Abiruchulu! Our channel is all about celebrating the rich traditions, food, and culture of rural life. We focus on showcasing street food, village cuisine, nature, and the daily activities of villagers. We also highlight the challenges faced by farmers and the beauty of ancient rural practices.

Our goal is to bring the essence of village life and the natural world to your screen, offering a glimpse into the simplicity, beauty, and challenges of rural living.

While our content is primarily in Telugu, we’re also working on expanding to other languages in the future. Your support is essential to making this possible!

Remember, "Nothing is permanent, but YouTube videos are forever." Through our videos, we aim to preserve the culture, traditions, and stories of village life for years to come.

Subscribe now and enjoy our journey!

Thank you for your support!