In May 2006 three fans left for Tunesia to shoot their own STAR WARS Movie. Seven days later they came back with dirty clothes and a couple of video-tapes. Shot at the original Lucasfilm Locations (Tunesia, Guatemala, Italy etc.) and supported by actors, prop-builders and FX-artists worldwide the journey came 2022 to it´s end. This is their movie, this is their story.

This project and the associated fanfilm are a non-commercial and purely private project, being financed and executed indepently (without any sponsors or donations whatsoever). We have no intention of gaining any profit or using the project in any commercial way, we only mean to make our private hobby accessible to a small number of interested STAR WARS fans. Neither this website nor the film are supported by George Lucas, Lucasfilm Ldt. or any associated company.


Shared 11 months ago