Hello All,
Thank you for visiting my YouTube channel. My goal is to try and pass on all I have learned and experienced starting from childhood flying gas air planes that would nearly cut my fingers off up to the latest radio controlled technologies. We have finally come a long way from the none stop crashes from the none GPS enabled air crafts. So I try to pass all of this along to you in a fun and easy to understand video series UAV's. I also consider this a way to try and help protect the industry from the law and from those who might want to fly a drone or air plane without any prior experience from causing any serious damage or bad press. Besides I can't tell you how many times I have crashed an air plane or helicopter before I even got off the ground. For once it feels nice to be able to go out and fly and enjoy yourself doing it. I hope my videos help you be a better pilot with more successful flights! Happy Flying!
Shared 10 years ago