Dende (デンデ) is a departed Namekian with unique gift that allows him to heal others. He first appeared during the Namek Saga in a village on Namek, which Frieza and his henchmen were terrorizing in their search for the Dragon Balls. Gohan and Krillin, who were also in search of the Dragon Balls, intervened just in time to save the young Namekian from the murderous Dodoria and flew him to safety. Grateful for his rescue and confident in their good intentions, Dende guided his saviors to the Grand Elder Guru, who revealed Krillin's and Gohan's true potential. Later, Dende helped them to summon the dragon Porunga because they couldn't understand the Namekian Language. He was then murdered by Frieza, who was in his final form, but was later revived and became Earth's Guardian in Kami's place on Goku's request. He continues his role as Guardian for the rest of the series, helping the protagonists during their adventures whenever he can.