a girl evangelist

"She crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors. Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man." Proverbs 8:3-4

Hi,I am a bible believing born again Christian. I believe in the doctrines of Grace.

My life is not my own, it is for God and I love to preach His gospel to the world and to see others saved! Acts 20:24 But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.

I love all my bros and sisters in Christ. They all mean so much to me and Our Lord brings us all closer through His word, fellowship, prayer, and preachin and proclaiming His word in the streets. I want us to be old and still keeping out.

- 1 Cor 9:16

Grace and Peace.