Arctic Brilliant Dancers

本頻道為表演藝術頻道. 歡迎參觀. Welcome to the platform of dance videos.

This platform doesn't welcome any visitor who gives our video negative rating. Those who gave negative rating, please don't visit this platform again. 本頻道不歡迎給予影片負評的訪客.

本頻道發現 2013 August 本頻道至少400多支影片被至少YouTube 另一頻道盜用,並用作商業用途。本頻道在此聲明過去現在與未來被盜用所有影片所衍生任何法律問題及責任,與本頻道無關,本頻道不負任何被盜用所有影片所衍生任何法律問題及責任。盜用影片者之行為引致對本頻道作者之損失,本人保留所有法律追訴權。
Hold harmless notice: All rights of the videos of this YouTube channel, are reserved by the author. More than 400 videos of this channel are found recently copied to at least another YouTube channel without this channel's prior written consent. This channel is not legally liable to all legal direct and indirect liability caused to any party from the copied videos, the copy channel and any websites with copied videos etc. The author of this channel reserves all rights to sue against whom liable to the piracy behavior and loss caused to the author of this channel.


Shared 1 month ago