Dedicated to shining a light on the unsung, overlooked, and underrated.
Let the record show: gameplay matters most!
Primary focus: Langrisser - Sega/Saturn - Retro - Indie


LIVESTREAMS! (Twitch & YouTube)
Langrisser III Walkthrough w/commentary

Der Langrisser: Heroes Only! Challenge Run
Lets Play Langrisser I Remake
Langrisser II HD - no commentary
Langrisser Dramatic Edition [w/subs]
Sonic CD "Side by Side" LP
Let's 100% Langrisser II
Let's Play Langrisser -aka- Warsong '91
Warsong Walkthrough
Freedom Planet Longplays (Classic)
Let's Play Popful Mail (Sega CD)
Let's Play RE (SS)
Let's Play Dragon Force 2 [Bozack, Fandaria, Izumo]
Shining Force III Walkthrough (all scenarios + premium disc)
Dragon Force II: item searching + forging guides
Dragon Force II Longplays [Highland, Tristan, Moon Palace, and Tradnor]

Let's Play EVERY Shantae!

~Thanks for visiting!