Dr Mona - Everyday Healthier

Doctor in Pharmacy & Health Coach/Consultant, I help people improve their health, mood, and energy levels with simple & well-chosen habits.
My techniques are based on Neuroscience & the Psychology of habit.
Areas: Sleep, nutrition, physical activity, stress management, and implementation of new habits.

With our modern lifestyles, 50% of us will develop a chronic disease.
Good news: 90% of our health depend on our environment, (and only 10% on our genes). So we have control over the biggest part, working on the right habits day after day.

Health is our treasure. If we lose it, we can't go very far. So it's essential to invest time and energy to improve and maintain it
For us, for our loved ones, and our personal and professional life

I share with you tips and tools to improve your health daily

My unique methodology allows having the best results with very simple steps (80/20 rule)
The program is totally customised

A good decision today can have a huge impact on your future self