Welcome to the official YouTube channel of the "World Revival Mission"! The founders of this channel are Apostle Vladimir and Victoria Muntian.

Apostle Vladimir and Victoria Muntian serve millions of people around the world. Their ministry is based on the revelation from God about the power of the Holy Spirit, which breaks curses and radically transforms people's lives!

Apostle Vladimir and Victoria Muntian conduct tele-crusades with prayers for healing and breaking curses. Thanks to their ministry thousands of people have turned to God, found healing from incurable diseases, experienced positive changes in their destiny, restored their families, and received blessings in the financial sphere. All of this is the result of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross for every person.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that every man who believes in Him would not perish, but have eternal life." - John 3:16
Our website: revival-mission.com/en