Tamara Obrovac, composer and singer

“Tamara Obrovac has quietly and secretly grown into one of Europe’s greatest ethnic jazz singers... Basically melancholic, her music simultaneously impresses with inner strength and passion that brings with it the story of the mentality of an entire region.” (V. Doberstein, Jazz Podium)

“She tornadoes through the stage leaving in her wake an ever increasing number of fans.” (B. Gabler, Concerto magazine)

"With her brilliant performance she has presented the best of the Mediterranean; the melancholy of fado, the lightness of tarantella and the lyrics in Croatian have melted with the fury of the accordion player Fausto Beccalossi so organically that the following concert of Richard Galliano Piazzolla Forever Septet seemed nothing but perfectly boring.” (J. Engels, Jazzthing)

“She is an audience-captivating phenomenon.” (S. Scotney, London Jazz News)