Random Videos, NWO Rants. Write my own music videos and tunes to, But just lately been Using Green Screen Effects and FX Home Effects.. Love making people laugh and posting random things.

I am female, trust me people ask lol

O yeah I am a lesbian too well thats the box straight people put me in.

What software do I use?

Sony Vegas to edit FX Home Special Effects

I use Green Screen with SonyVegas for Croma Keyer.

What Cam do i Use?

Sony DCR-TRV140E PAL nothing special but does the job, If you need a long shot turn camera on side lol, Will invest in new one soon..

Just died use a JVC Everio G GZ- MG132 now

Also A everio HD 6620BEK,
and Nikon D50 for stills

I use Reason 3.0 will start using reason 4.0 soon, With Sony SoundForge 8.0

Operating System I use is Windows 2000 professional.

I also use a Macbook and Garage band, I play guitar and write music

imovie for vlogs etc


Shared 8 months ago