Obscure Karaoke cdg files...
Whilst I love how many people have subscribed so far, and have viewed all of my karaoke videos, and respect the people who have asked nicely and not demanded new karaoke songs, I must say that when I make karaoke songs I only make them for myself, my friends and family (but mostly for myself lol) and I throw them up here as a courtesy. If by chance someone requests a song that I want as well, and I can find the instrumental to it, then I shall do my best to make it. Other than that, I will not do requests, especially if not asked nicely. And if you find an instrumental to a song that both of us want (someone PLEASE find Devin Townsend - Ih Ah) then link me and I will get it done.
Shared 3 years ago
Shared 3 years ago
Shared 3 years ago