Strip Cycle Christian Music


What are the Essentials? They are those albums that have made an impact, stylistically and artistically and which still remain spiritually compelling. This is the music that proved once and for all that Christian believers were truly capable of creating art, vital and transforming art.

The task of the Strip Cycle Christian Music Project is preservation. It is our aim to hold onto the redemptive art that has been bequeathed to us by these stellar musicians. This wonderful music must never be forgotten.

We encourage everyone to support these great artists by purchasing their music and attending their concerts.

*Every artist whose work appears on SCCM has been assigned a separate playlist. Click on the Multiple playlists feature to peruse our list of dozens of progressive musicians and literally hundreds of albums. SCCM is a veritable treasure trove of the most essential music to ever emerge from Christendom. Enjoy.
