If you are familiar with the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship), we use similar rules in our fights. The main difference is no knees or elbows because we do not get paid and do not have medical staff on hand or care to pay hospital bills. Knees and elbows greatly increases chance of cuts and broken bones. We fight hard, but most of us are friends and would like to stay safe and not put somebody in the hospital because we wanted to have fun.
Please subscribe for weekly uploads of fights, instructional videos, or a vlog update.
We are located in Central Louisiana so if you are interested in coming to watch a fight live or wanting to join in on the fighting action send me a message or leave a comment.
Current Fighters:
1. Shane James MMA 1-0;130lbs
2. Rene "the Animal" Deal MMA 1-0;195lbs
3. Justin Clifton MMA 0-2,160lbs
Shared 16 years ago