BRIDEAR formed in 2012 in Fukuoka, Japan, which was where the band started to gain popularity nationwide through mainly local LIVE events. In 2016, they set off on their first European tour. After that, they toured twice more, once in 2017 and again in 2018. In autumn 2021, while the whole world was struck by the pandemic, they were the only Japanese artists to successfully tour the E.U. and U.K.

In the spring of 2022, they released their fifth album "AEGIS OF ATHENA”, which achieved the amazing honour of being ranked 5th in the "Top 10 Power Metal Albums of 2022" by METAL HAMMER magazine. As you can see, they are well on their way to making J-Metal roar all around the world.

ヘヴィメタルバンド"BRIDEAR"。ヨーロッパツアーを重ね、海外からも熱狂的な支持を獲得。2022年発売「AEGIS OF ATHENA」は世界最大級メタル専門誌”METAL HAMMER”が選ぶベストパワーメタルアルバム第5位選出。SUMMER SONIC 22, LOUD PARK 23など大型フェスへも出演。
2024年、Fredrik Nordström (フレドリック・ノルドストローム)をプロデューサーとして迎え、スウェーデンにてレコーディングを行ったフルアルバム「Born Again」をリリース!!