To find a hymn site on the internet, you know the name: (".com" stands for "Christian Online Music").

Videos without numbers are from The United Methodist Hymnal or The Faith We Sing. All others mention the source and number in the title. To search from specific hymnals:

Hymnal/search abbreviation:
The United Methodist Hymnal/UMH
The Faith We Sing/FWS
The Baptist Hymnal/TBH
The Hymnal for Worship and Celebration (from a Presbyterian church)/HWC
"Sacred Songs & Solos" from Ira Sankey/SSS

Established in 1997 as an online ministry by CARadke, has provided hymns and lectionary resources to millions of visitors. "We serve Him by serving hymns."

Permission is granted for non-commercial use of videos and audio posted on HymnSite's YouTube channel for Christian worship and spreading the Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Visit for more resources.


Shared 5 years ago