Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and data visualization tutorials and lessons, with a focus on public health.

Most videos posted here are for Master's students from courses at Carnegie Mellon University, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and CUNY School of Public Health, Hunter College. Other core topics covered have come from my time working at 18F, the NYC Department of Health, Parsons Institute for Information Mapping. In many cases I include references and data used, which viewers can download directly to follow along. I hope you find the content useful - and if you learn something new, teach someone else!

Note: For many years this channel was maintained "add-free" for a better user experience. Unfortunately YouTube changed their terms of service in 2020, and as a result I can no longer remove ads from existing videos. You can help by spreading the word to encourage YouTube to remove ads from educational content!

All views are my own.


Shared 10 years ago



Shared 11 years ago