Juan Maria Solare

Mainly Piano music. Neoclassical, post-romantic music - and tango argentino.
For fans of / similar artists: Erik Satie, Joep Beving, Francis Poulenc, Federico Mompou, Nils Frahm, Ludovico Einaudi, Frederic Chopin, Franz Liszt, Felix Mendelssohn, Crusader Beach, Roberto Paterlini, Robert Schumann, Astor Piazzolla, Eduardo Rovira.

Juan María Solare - composer and pianist born in Argentina in 1966 and living in Germany since 1993.

I strongly believe that art music and light music are not irreconcilable extremes, but poles in a force field, and therefore consider myself musical bilingual.

You will find that some of my music pieces are closer to the "light", easy listening related genres, and others to a highly intellectual, avant-garde type. I personally need both extremes. Nevertheless, you will also find a huge spectrum of sound in between.