Fetsum Yohannes #eritrean artist, songwriter and composer.
ስነጥበበኛ ፍጹም ዮሃንስ፡ ድምጻዊ፡ ገጣሚ፡ ዘያምን ኣወሃሃዲ ሙዚቃን።
ክቡራት ኣፍቀርቲ ሙዚቃ፡ ቀጻሊ ንእነቕርቦ ስርሓት ሙዚቃን ቪድዮን ኣብ እዋኑ ንምክትታል፡ ኣብዛ Fetsum Yohannes Official Artist Channel ሳብስክራይብ ሼር ብምግባር፡ ንዝሓሸ ስራሕ ከተተባቡዕና ብኽብሪ ንዕድመኩም።
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