Jason Lewis - Mind Amend

I produce original isochronic tones and brainwave entrainment audio sessions from scratch, which I've been doing since 2006. I mix my tone sessions with music soundtracks and add extra amplitude entrainment effects to the music, which sync with the isochronic tones.

Tools I use:
Mind Workstation - Professional-grade brainwave entrainment software, pro user since 2008
Ableton Live 12 - Creating music, compositions and mixes, layering of sounds and effects
Mixed in Key - To identify music keys and cues
Platinum Notes - Volume processing
Premiere Pro - Video production
After Effects - Video animations

I read the comments, so please don't hesitate to post questions and make suggestions.

Thanks for watching!

Jason Lewis
Mind Amend

About me - MindAmend.com/about-mind-amend
How isochronic tones work - MindAmend.com/brainwave-entrainment/isochronic-tones
How amplitude effects work - MindAmend.com/brainwave-entrainment/mind-music
Contact: jason@mindamend.com