Cube 5 – Creating Security

Since 2018, Cube 5 has accompanied and supported people interested in founding and start-ups in the fields of cybersecurity and IT security in every phase of development. Cube 5 is based at the Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security and the Faculty of Computer Science at the Ruhr-Universität and at the university's own Worldfactory Start-up Center (WSC). One focus of Cube 5 is on supporting spin-offs from research with prospects for success in the B2B sector. As one of four locations in Germany, Cube 5 supports highly innovative start-up projects and start-ups from the scientific context of IT security in the "StartUpSecure" funding programme of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Specially developed formats - e.g. the incubator "inCUBE" for early-stage start-up teams - expand the portfolio.