Mr. Inventor 1001

Welcome to my DIY channel Mr. Inventor 1001!

Prepare to get your mind blown by DIY (do it yourself), life hacks, unknown tips, repairs and super creative ideas on how to get jobs done in a skillful way. Not to mention handwork, woodworking, reuse and recycle, useful tips, hand made items and ingenious inventions that's so visually appealing it'll leave you in a trance. Learn creative DIY project ideas so you'll never have to call a handyman again in your life. Beside tips and tricks that help in your daily life, I'm also share helpful ideas to turn trash into unique homemade and useful items to make our lives more interesting, and the main thing is that they all made of make-shifts and at the lowest possible cost.

Everything that is present in this DIY channel that I have done with my own hands!

It's all here so subscribe to the DIY channel and join us and also create new inventions with your own hands.
