Please understand this is my testimony. Take it as you will. I tell it because I love you all. See longer version in COMMUNITY TAB. It's too extensive for here.
Frankly, I discovered God, Jesus and the Holy spirit. Further, I discovered Satan. And, the TIME we live in. I read the bible, understood coming prophecy starting with the Book of Revelation, a notoriously hard read.
Most people know Jesus died on the cross, but don't understand why he WILLINGLY did so.
He died save us from hell. Hell is everyone's destination without Jesus. He's our saviour and the only way to heaven.
What can you do to be saved? Understand the ABC's of salvation.
A-Admit you're a sinner (we all are!)
B-Believe Jesus died to save you from your sins. (Faith)
C-Call on the name of Jesus. Accept his blood sacrifice as atonement for your sins. Talk to him.
He made a way for us, all you have to do is believe. Without FAITH you cannot please God. You cannot enter heaven by your own works.


Shared 9 months ago



Shared 3 years ago