Dr.Murphy | ADHD Coach

Do you have an Executive Function Deficit? Test our test and find out. effectiveeffortconsulting.com/executive-function-d…

Learn more? Schedule call with Dr. Murphy. - calendly.com/d/ztw6-vrcv/schedule-a-screening-call

ADHD and Executive Function Coaching Services for Students, Parents and Adults
EF deficits in self-regulation, scheduling, future planning, studying, prioritizing responsibilities, organization, temporal, and spatial.

What is the EEC Executive Function Coaching Model? youtu.be/raSe0IywRZg
What is executive function coaching? youtu.be/ssmrREUnulc
What is College Coaching? (Matt shares his experience). youtu.be/nI5BDceSUws
Parent Coaching - Parenting with the Brain in Mind. youtu.be/ZKjpiRND_F8

Meet the Team - effectiveeffortconsulting.com/meet-the-team/

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