With Mary in French

Hello everyone, peace from God be with you !

Let me introduce myself, I am Christophe, speaker and entrepreneur to help you develop your spiritual life to grow in freedom, happiness and gratitude through the power of prayer and Christian wisdom. Find my advices and tips on my youtube channel or on my website: withmary.org

My Youtube Channel in English is here : youtube.com/c/WithMary

With Mary, mother of God in Jesus Christ, mother of men and Church, woman of faith, Our Lady of the Rosary, spiritual life wonderfully grows. Together at her school, it is easy to receive grace and salvation from God, as she calls us to in Lourdes, Fatima, La Salette or Medjugorge.

This channel with Christian Catholic content is open to other spiritual and religious traditions. Be welcome whoever you are. Comment on my videos and I shall answer you with pleasure. God bless you !
