Okay, so here's my channel of...stuff. Yeah... What kind of stuff? Well, stuff I've been working on for quite a while now. Things like music (both originals and covers), videos, and all around stuff I can post on here. Maybe show off a few things I get my hands on in the near future. You never know what you'll see here in my little corner on YouTube.

Mostly, I'm a fan of many things, so you'll see what kinds of things that I like and what I work on right here on this page. Now...if only I could finish half of what I started...hmmm...

Care to chat? Contact me at:
Skype: XMLeaderX2012

I'm always up for talking (when I'm not working), and willing to answer questions you may have. =)

UPDATE (November 23, 2012):
Sweets and Sweets Galore: It's actually done!!!
Project Chronicles: Stay tuned...