Top five things that Freshmen should look forward to this school term...
#5. Waking up on a strangers couch, two cities over from school, three days from your last memory in four day old clothes.
#4. Not attending a Canadian college.
#3. Taking road trips with friends that become epic treks and the basis of urban legends.
#2. Four years of binge drinking that turn into lost weekends, leading to (see #5).
#1. Getting to class late and attending a lecture to a course that you did not even register for after doing #3 & #5 of course.
Top five things that people don't say on Y.T.
5. Really, this is not boring
4. I have a full time job.
3. I always pay my rent on time
2. My stock portfolio has tripled!
1. Seriously, my Prozac ran out...I'm not Canadian.