Hello, my name is Adrian Gauna and i've been a long-time fan of the Sega Mega Drive since childhood.

This channel focuses on the Sega Mega Drive video game console and all it's games and add-ons. Including Master System, Mega-CD and many hundreds of video game soundtracks.

I primarily focus on the PAL Sega Mega Drive library of games and content as I want this channel to be a home of games playing and running in a more nostalgic way from your childhood. Seeing everything uploaded in 60Hz all the time just gives me more motivation to upload in 5OHz. (Which is how it used to be)

So to sum it up, this channel is about all things Mega Drive!

There's a new ROM hack site called RomHack Plaza that has taken the new place of ROMHACKING(.)NET. I've posted a few patches over there for all the hacks that i've either made myself or been involved with to help reach a wider audience outside Youtube. You can find them here if you're interested. romhackplaza.org/author/adrian-gauna/


Shared 1 year ago



Shared 1 year ago