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Welcome to the family positive channel! You will see the mastery of video editing VJ AuX with fiery dances on remixes of hits of the 80-90s and modern tracks of different musical directions. You will hear the work of musicians with whom you are not yet familiar!
Dear authors, welcome to our channel!
We liked your work, and that is why we use it in our work. We are sure that in this way, together with you, we will expand the audience for getting to know you! We are always ready for cooperation, which we do with many strong, famous author-friends! We do not appropriate your work in any way! We always indicate the exact title, artist and author! Sometimes we cannot find an author to contact... If for any reason you are against publishing your work on this channel, please contact us by email! We will delete your work on first request! But, analyze, perhaps cooperation will give a much more positive result!
With respect to each author VJ AuX - Alexander and @_dahha - Irina.
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