SN: Summer 2013-B (Inactive)

Snowical Network back for another season to upload OPs and EDs as of Anime Spring Season 2013!
- We've been uploading OPs and EDs since Anime Winter Season 2010, but get our channels shutdown every now and then.

Aren't we tired of constantly getting our accounts banned?
- Nope, not at all. We do it for fun after all, and it's always fun to challenge YouTube and the Third Parties every season.
(Despite the current result being 0 Accounts Active, 27 Accounts Removed.)

What is our goal?
- To upload and provide Anime OPs, EDs and OSTs in HD.

What do you want from us?
- Nothing. We earn nothing, and have never earned anything. As said, we do this for fun and as a hobby. We're happy as long as the videos remain available for the public.

People working on this channel:
- Snowical
- Neiru