✔--Season 1--
✔--Season 2--
✔--SEASON 3--
--SEASON 4--
Sleeping Beauty
You Can't Win
Four Little Engines
A Bad Day For Sir Handel
Peter Sam & The Refreshment Lady
Home At Last
Rock 'N' Roll
Special Funnel
Passengers & Polish
The Gallant Old Engine
Rusty To The Rescue
Thomas & Stepney
Train Stops Play
Bowled Out
Henry & The Elephant
Toad Stands By
Bulls Eyes
Thomas & The Special Letter
Paint pots and Queens
Special Attraction
Mind That Bike
--SEASON 5--
Cranky Bugs
Horrid Lorry
A Better View For Gordon
Lady Hatt's Birthday Party
James & The Trouble With Trees
Gordon & The Gremlins
Bye George!
Put Upon Percy
Toby & The Flood
Haunted Henry
Double Teething Troubles
Stepney Gets Lost
Toby's Discovery
Something In The Air
Thomas, Percy & Old Slow Coach
Thomas & The Rumors
Oliver's Find
Happy Ever After
Sir Topham Hatt's Holiday
A Surprise For Percy
Make Someone Happy
Busy Going Backwards
Duncan Gets Spooked
Rusty & The Boulder
--SEASON 6--
Harvey To The Rescue
Salty's Secret
No Sleep For Cranky
A Bad Day For Harold the Helicopter
Elizabeth The Vintage Lorry
The Fogman
Jack Jumps In
A Friend In Need
It's Only Snow
Twin Trouble
The World's Strongest Engine
Scaredy Engines
Percy & The Haunted Mine
Middle Engine
James & The Red Balloon
Jack Frost
Gordon Takes A Tumble
Percy's Chocolate Crunch
Buffer Bother
Toby Had A Little Lamb
Thomas, Percy & The Squeak
Thomas The Jet Engine
Edward The Really Useful Engine
Dunkin' Duncan
Rusty Saves The Day
Faulty Whistles
--SEASON 7--
Emily's New Coaches
Percy Gets It Right
Bill, Ben & Fergus
The Old iron Bridge
Edward's Brass Band
What's The Matter With Henry?
James & The Queen Of Sodor
The Refreshment Lady's Tea Shop
The Spotless Record
Toby's Windmill
Bad day at Castle Loch
Rheneas & The Roller Coaster
Salty's Stormy Tale
Snow Engine
Something Fishy
The Runaway Elephant
Peace & Quiet
Fergus Breaks the Rules
Bulgy Rides Again
Harold & The Flying Horse
The Grand Opening
Best Dressed Engine
Gordon & Spencer
Not So Hasty Puddings
Trusty Rusty
Three cheers For Thomas
--Seaoson 8--
Thomas and the Tuba
Percy's New Whistle
Thomas to the Rescue
Henry and the Wishing tree
James gets a new coat
Thomas saves the day
Percy's big Mistake
Thomas, Emily and the Snowplough
Don't Tell Thomas
Emily's new route
Thomas and the Fireworks display
Gordon Takes Charge
Spic and Span
Edward the Great
Squeak, Rattle and Roll
Thomas gets it right
As Good as Gorodn
Emily's Adventure