美心食品有限公司轄下的美心中菜分店均是享負盛名的高級食府,其中翠園早於 1971 年創辦,一直深受顧客讚賞。
美心中菜憑著超卓廚藝及優美舒適餐飲環境屢獲好評,旗下食府 - 北京樓 (中環分店) 自《米芝蓮指南 香港 澳門 2016》起連續三年榮獲「一星」榮譽,翠玉軒亦曾連續七年獲評為「一星」餐廳,質素備受國際肯定。美心中菜多年來致力提供高質素佳餚美點,是品嚐中菜的首選食府。
Operating under Maxim's Catering Limited, Maxim's Chinese Cuisine outlets have enjoyed a long reputation as the city's top dining venues. Jade Garden, our first Cantonese cuisine brand, was established in as early as 1971 and has been widely acclaimed among diners.
Maxim's Chinese Cuisine outlets have proven their excellence with numerous prestigious awards, including the third-time selection of Peking Garden (Central Outlet) as “one-star” restaurant by the Michelin Guide Hong Kong Macau from 2016; while Maxim's The Square has been named “one-star” restaurant by the Guide for a consecutive 7 years, attesting to its world-recognized quality. With top quality catering and services, Maxim's Group shall constantly strive to run the best dining venues for Chinese cuisines.
Shared 2 months ago
Shared 2 months ago
Shared 2 months ago